Tuesday, December 15, 2009


First Baptist Church, Sylvester Georgia

A Baptist is a Christian who subscribes to a theology which are committed to believer's baptism by immersion (as opposed to infant baptism and affusion and sprinkling) and favors the congregational model of church polity.[1] A Baptist church is a local congregation composed of Baptist people and committed to Baptist principles. A Baptist association is a group of Baptist churches and individuals which fellowship and work together in Christian endeavors.

There is a wide variety of doctrine and practice among Baptists owing to divergent origins of the various Baptist movements as well as diverse influences on the Baptists over the years. Through the years, different Baptist groups have issued confessions of faith to express their peculiar doctrinal distinctions from other Christian denominations as well as other Baptists. Baptist groups also have been characterized by local church autonomy and a disavowal of authoritative creeds, acknowledging the Scriptures alone as the authoritative rule of faith and practice.


First Baptist Church  Jesup Georgia
Milledgeville Georgia,

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